What is CPD training?

How can online CPD benefit you and your development?

CPD is an ongoing learning journey through which you maintain, improve and expand your professional skills and knowledge. It’s essential to stay up-to-date with the latest thinking in your profession, so you can be the best at your job. But CPD is more than keeping updated: by becoming more aware of your own CPD process, the more informed and reflective you’ll be, giving you the insight you need to learn and progress with confidence and success.

The LEAP CPD Hub makes it easy to keep all your goals, records, certificates, files and reflections all in one secure, online place, allowing you to record, view, reflect on and plan your continuing learning journey.

Leap CPD Hub

LEAP CPD Process

We rarely stop to think about how we learn. After all, it’s a natural and constant process which occurs as we participate in hundreds of different events and activities each day. However, because we’re often unaware, passive or acting habitually, we don’t necessarily learn anything from every experience. Furthermore, we often recall only exceptional or unusual events.

It’s an online hub that collects and organises all your career development and learning. It manages all the evidence that you need to demonstrate your development, all the material you use to plan your career development and all your thoughts and reflections. You can keep this private, or share with your peers as part of the community dialogue. That’s the benefit of on line CPD.

Your ePortfolio should be seen as a “tool for life”. Growing and developing as you move through the learning and working cycles of life, your e-Portfolio is the dynamic evidence of your professional development.

Get started now with LEAP CPD Hub

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